AFI looks forward to working with all individuals, clubs and leagues who recognise that, for our great game to grow and prosper internationally, football must always come first. The sport is far too small on an international scale for its stakeholders to not all be working together. We recognise and endorse the comments made by former AFL Commissioner Colin Carter in his report regarding the future of Australian Football.

It is clear that many levels of Australian football have not worked well together. The code has long operated as a series of ‘silos’, between states, leagues and clubs, and even inside the AFL competition. Turf has been protected, and potential partners ‘in the greater cause’ have been treated as enemies.

Political differences consume energy and block change…The result of the lack of coordination is more costly and poorer delivery of services to local football clubs and leagues. Positive change programs are held up by ‘branding’ wars as each body fights for recognition. Good ideas are lost in the system. The vision should be for more collaboration and fewer turf wars. Expertise exists around the network at all levels, and the vision should be to work together to develop common solutions.

Our overall conclusion is that Australian football should not waste its limited resources by constantly reinventing the wheel. The challenge is to adopt a coordinated, unified approach to tackling the issues. ‘Silos’ are no longer affordable.
Source: Investing in the Future of Australian Football (The Carter Report)