AFI Beach Footy logo

What is the date?
The AFI Beach Footy tournament will be held in Melbourne in 2026. The date is TBC.

Where is the venue?
The venue is West Beach, St Kilda.

What is the format?
All matches will be mixed (men & women) and non-contact.

How many players per team?
Each match will consist of 5 players on the field, plus at least 2 interchange players.

Is there a minimum age?
Players must be a minimum of 15 years old to participate.

What do I need to bring?
All teams are required to bring their own playing tops, which can be a footy jumper, training singlet or club t-shirt. Shorts do not have to be the same, as long as your tops are all the same. Also, you do not have to wear shoes when you are playing – after all, we are on the beach!