The aim of AFI Force Back is to kick the ball down the field towards the opposition’s goals. If the ball falls short, it’s then the other team’s turn to kick, taken from where the ball is stopped. However, if the opposing team catches the ball, they can take 5 steps before kicking. The overall aim is to move your team up the field by kicking and catching until you are close enough to shoot for goal. A goal is scored when the ball is kicked between the posts.
1. Playing Field
1.1 Force Back matches are played on rugby fields, using rugby posts as goals.
1.2 A line known as the boundary line shall mark the boundary of the playing field.
1.3 The longer line shall be called the side line.
1.4 The shorter line shall be called the goal line.
2. Teams
2.1 Teams consist of 5 players on the field and a maximum of 2 reserves.
2.2 Interchange of players may take place at any time.
2.3 At the start of play and after each goal, both teams must line up in their own half i.e. behind the 50m line.
3. Playing Time
3.1 A Force Back match consists of 2 x 15 minute halves, plus 5 minutes for half-time.
3.2 Teams can agree to shorten or increase the playing time.
4. Start of Play
4.1 The winner of the coin toss (the attacking team) shall take possession of the ball from their 20m line.
4.2 The attacking team shall commence play by kicking the ball downfield to the other team.
4.3 After each goal, the team that has been scored against (the defending team) shall take possession of the ball.
4.4 The defending team shall recommence play by advancing the ball to their 20m line, followed by kicking the ball downfield towards the other team.
5. Ball Movement
5.1 The aim of the attacking team is to kick the ball as far as possible down the field, towards the defending team’s goals.
5.2 The ball can only be moved downfield by kicking.
5.3 The ball can travel in the air or along the ground.
5.4 The defending team shall not take possession where the ball hits the ground, but where they stop and control its progress.
5.5 If the ball is stopped and controlled by the defending team, that is the point at which the defending team shall kick the ball back to the other team.
5.6 If the ball is touched by the defending team, but is not controlled and continues to advance downfield, the point at which the ball is controlled is where the defending team shall kick the ball back to the other team.
6. Catching the Ball
6.1 If a member of the defending team catches the ball from a kick by the attacking team, the player catching the ball will be awarded 5 steps.
6.2 The player will then advance the ball 5 steps downfield, before kicking the ball.
6.3 The player who has been awarded the 5 steps can elect to give a teammate the opportunity to take the 5 steps and kick.
6.4 The purpose of rule 6.3 is to ensure all players are involved in the game and having fun.
7. Scoring
7.1 Goals are scored by kicking the ball through the rugby posts, either under or over the crossbar.
7.2 If the ball hits any part of the posts and continues through the posts, it is a goal.
7.3 If the ball hits any part of the posts and comes back into the field of play, possession will be awarded to the team closest to the ball.
8. Missed Shot for Goal
8.1 After an unsuccessful shot at goal by the attacking team, a member of the defending team shall bring the ball back into play via a kick, from the 20m line.
8.2 The player with the ball must kick the ball before the 20m line.